Saturday, November 17, 2007

Webisode 9: (Thanksgiving, Christmas Songs,Nanowrimo Update, Filmmaking)

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Anonymous said...

i kind of like that thanks giving doesn't have a huge lead up. it seems to be one of the few holidays that haven't been overly commercialized. christmas is way out of control. in my day, we used to get ready for christmas a few days before, you know, go out and get a tree, put it up, and decorate it as a family. there was also the occasional caroling. presents were few, yet meaningful. now, people are preparing weeks ahead. they are trying to get expensive gifts that just, don't mean anything. isn't christmas meant to be about being with the family? even though thanks giving is a lot about food, it still retained its meaning of being thankful and giving thanks and being with the family. sure, we buy a lot of food. however, we cook that food as a family. we all gather around to either help cook or wander around trying to get scraps of food before dinner, which always includes laughter, family, and warmth. it's beautiful.

Anonymous said...

our family generally eats thanks giving dinner around 2 or 3. however we have had years where we eat, then walk around and take a break, then go back to eating, et cetera.